Making Space for Grace - A Yoga Retreat
to Nov 9

Making Space for Grace - A Yoga Retreat

  • GilChrist Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Do you ever feel like you're pushing the river instead of being in the flow? Despite your best efforts, you just continue to struggle? Join us as we explore how to make space for grace to flow in our lives through movement, breathing, mantra, journaling, and silence.

This retreat is open to all regardless of experience. There will be group practices and discussion as well as time for you to wander the beautiful grounds of GilChrist.

Early bird registration: $275 (or $250 for online attendance)

On September 1: the cost increases to $325 (or $300 for online).

In-person space is limited, so please register early. Please inquire about options for financial accessibility.

Learn more about:
What to Bring
Tentative Schedule

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Yoga & Vision Boards
5:00 PM17:00

Yoga & Vision Boards

Whether the prospect of the new year brings you joy or dread, it’s the perfect time to set intentions. Intentions are different than resolutions. Resolutions are often focused on losing weight or getting in shape, saving money or perhaps getting more organized. Intentions start with your values, the kind of person you want to be and how you want to feel in the new year. With that in mind, you consider what is worthy of your time and attention to support your values.

Join me New Year’s Day for a Vision Board workshop where you’ll create a visual representation of your intentions. Let’s open our hearts and minds to an inspired vision of what 2025 can be. Let’s imagine possibilities together!

Join online or in person at Sanctuary Yoga.

$30 or $25 if you also register for OM for Holidays restorative workshop on December 26.

Register now because space is limited.

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OM for the Holidays
2:30 PM14:30

OM for the Holidays

Whether you love the holidays or hate them, they can be a busy and stressful time of year. This year, why not give yourself the gift of rest and relaxation. OM for the Holidays will be a delicious, two-hour treat for yourself: a gentle warm up followed by easy restorative poses and an extra long savasana!

Attend online or in-person at Sanctuary Yoga.

$30 or $25 if you also register for the Vision Board workshop on New Year’s Day.

You can pay thru Venmo or send a check. Details provided when you register.

Register now because in-person space is limited.

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5:00 PM17:00


Being mindful of and grateful for all that you have shifts your awareness from scarcity to abundance, from despair to joy. Having yoga as a refuge from the stress and strain is one of our many blessings. Another way to make the shift toward abundance and joy is to thoughtfully consider those who have even less than you do. That is why I offer FREE YOGA SUNDAY after Thanksgiving each year as a fundraiser for those in our community in need of support. We have so much to be grateful for; let’s share our abundance!

This year we are collecting donations for Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes and Ministry with Community. Please give generously.

You can attend in the studio (but space is limited so register early!) or online.

Click here to register.

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Meditation 101
4:00 PM16:00

Meditation 101

Are you curious about the physical and mental benefits of mediation but not sure where to start? Or perhaps you’ve tried to meditate and just found it too hard to sit still and clear your mind?

Join Mary Beth for Meditation 101 and learn how yoga and breathing prepare your body and mind to make meditation easier and discover the added benefit that comes from meditating in a group. Sitting on the floor is optional!

Workshop is $25.

Register now!

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Pelvic Floor Workshop
to Nov 1

Pelvic Floor Workshop

You’ve probably heard me, or another yoga teacher, tell you to engage your pelvic floor, but you may not be clear on how to do that or why it’s important. Just like the roots of a tree provide stability to a tree trunk so that it doesn’t topple over when its branches move in the wind, your pelvic floor supports your torso to help you remain stable as you move your limbs.

In this 2-hour, pre-recorded workshop, you’ll learn about the anatomy of the pelvic floor and how to engage it effectively to support your physical movement.

Cost is $35 for 1 month of access to the recording; giving you time to review the information and exercises multiple times so you can practice this vital work! You can pay thru Venmo or send a check. Details included when you register.

What to learn more about your pelvic floor? Check out: What is Your Pelvic Floor and Why Should You Care? by Vanessa Raymond

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The Light Within: a yoga and meditation retreat
to Jan 28

The Light Within: a yoga and meditation retreat

  • Gilchrist Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Light Within retreat explores the two essential components of any spiritual path: disentangling from your darkness and reconnecting with your inner Light. This year the retreat focuses on Internal Family Systems (IFS) as a means of disentangling from our darkness. Click here for an interview where I explain more about IFS as a spiritual path for healing.

Space is limited so register today!

The retreat will include time for:

- YOUR MIND to feast on the ancient wisdom of meditation and a modern approach to ending suffering known as IFS (Internal Family Systems) or Parts Work.

- YOUR BODY to harvest the benefits of yoga asana, chanting, and breath work

- YOUR SPIRIT to integrate the two through quiet reflection, journaling and walks in the woods

No meditation or yoga experience is necessary.

Cost is $325 to attend in person or $300 to attend online.

*Lodging is paid for and reserved separately, see the link below.

**NO SHARED MEALS this time to reduce the risk of spreading COVID. All of the lodging options (see link below) have kitchens available and the Hermitage provides an option to include meals. See Lodgings below for more details.

Learn more about:
What to Bring
Meals (not provided this year)
Tentative Schedule
COVID Precautions

Register now, you’ll be glad you did.

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1:30 PM13:30


Being mindful of and grateful for all that you have shifts your awareness from scarcity to abundance, from despair to joy. Having yoga as a refuge from the stress and strain is one of our many blessings. Another way to make the shift toward abundance and joy is to thoughtfully consider those who have even less than you do. That is why I offer FREE YOGA SUNDAY after Thanksgiving each year as a fundraiser for those in our community in need of support. We have so much to be grateful for; let’s share our abundance!

This year we are collecting donations for Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes and Ministry with Community. Please give generously.

You can attend in the studio (but space is limited so register early!) or online.

Click here to register.

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OM for the Holidays
5:00 PM17:00

OM for the Holidays

Whether you love the holidays or hate them, they can be a busy and stressful time of year. This year, why not give yourself the gift of rest and relaxation. OM for the Holidays will be a delicious, two-hour treat for yourself: a gentle warm up followed by easy restorative poses and an extra long savasana!

Online or in person at Sanctuary Yoga.

$25 or $20 when you also register for the 2023 Vision Boards workshop on New Year’s Day!

Register now because space is limited.

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1:00 PM13:00


Being mindful of and grateful for all that you have shifts your awareness from scarcity to abundance, from despair to joy. Having yoga as a refuge from the stress and strain is one of our many blessings. Another way to make the shift toward abundance and joy is to thoughtfully consider those who have even less than you do. That is why I offer FREE YOGA SUNDAY after Thanksgiving each year as a fundraiser for those in our community in need of support. We have so much to be grateful for; let’s share our abundance!

This year we are collecting donations for Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes and Ministry with Community. Please give generously.

You can attend in the studio (but space is limited so register early!) or online.

Click here to register.

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Bike + Yoga = Fun!
9:00 AM09:00

Bike + Yoga = Fun!

a fundraiser for Friends of the Kal-Haven Trail, the people who provide support for expansion and maintenance of the Trails.

Suggested donation (optional): $20 all proceeds to benefit Friends of the Kal-Haven Haven Trail

Join me as I combine three of my favorite activities: biking, yoga, and eating with friends! What could be more fun?!?

On Sunday, September 4, at 9am we’ll ride from the 10th Street trail head to Bloomingdale (17 miles) followed an hour of gentle yoga for those biking muscles! Bring a picnic lunch and stay to chat with your fellow cyclists and yoginis.

**A vehicle will be available to transport your mat and lunch from 10th Street to Bloomingdale. Please put your name on both!

Options for returning to 10th Street after lunch:

1) Bike back!

2) Have someone pick you up in Bloomingdale.

3) Bike with a friend and leave one car in Bloomingdale (with your yoga mats and lunch) and take the other car (with your bikes) to the 10th Street trailhead. Plan to arrive at 10th St. no later than 8:45am.

Other options:

  • You’re welcome to join the group anywhere along the trail to shorten the ride. The Kal-Haven Trail crosses many roads where you could start and end. Click here for a map.

  • Not up for biking? Just join us for yoga and lunch in Bloomingdale!

  • Not available but still want to support the cause? Make a donation today!

Join the FUN, register today!

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Connecting with Your True Self
3:00 PM15:00

Connecting with Your True Self

Your True Self is not just who you are when you’re honest and authentic with people. Your True Self is your essential nature, beyond your personality. Awareness of this essential nature is the domain of your crown chakra. This seventh chakra connects you to a wider, universal energy, sometimes called Christ Consciousness or Ground of Being.

When this chakra is out of balance, you may feel isolated or disconnected. This may present as an inability to set or follow through on goals or an overall lack of direction.

In this ONLINE workshop, you’ll learn tools for connecting with your True Self and essential nature. A connection that leads to a sense of peace and wellbeing regardless of external circumstance.

$25 for the workshop OR $150 for all 7 chakra workshops (paying for 6 and getting one FREE!) All of the previous workshops have been recorded and will be available to you for a whole year so that you can view them as often as you like. It’s a great way to work on the individual chakras where you feel the most stuck.

Click here to register.

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Headaches and Intuition
3:00 PM15:00

Headaches and Intuition

Do you suffer from chronic headaches, difficulty concentrating or poor memory? These types of problems can be attributed to imbalance in your sixth chakra. When there is an imbalance in this chakra, you may also have a tendency to be obsessive or suffer from clouded judgment. This chakra is found in the space between your eyebrows. It is your center of intuition, imagination, and visualization.

In this ONLINE workshop, you’ll learn techniques for releasing tension headaches, balancing your sixth chakra and strengthening your connection to your intuition and inner wisdom.

$25 for the workshop OR $150 for all 7 chakra workshops (paying for 6 and getting one FREE!) Recordings of the first five workshops are still available and you can have access to all of the recordings for a year so that you can follow the practices as often as you like.

Click here to register.

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Pain in the Neck / Speaking Your Truth
3:00 PM15:00

Pain in the Neck / Speaking Your Truth

Do you suffer from chronic tension and limited mobility in your head and neck? The connective tissue and muscles supporting the neck are delicate and have always been susceptible to injury and strain. But modern technology, working at a computer or looking down at a cellphone, is contributing to neck pain more than ever before. (See “text neck syndrome.”)

The center of your neck/throat is the location of your fifth chakra. This chakra is the source of clear communication and creativity. When energy is blocked or low here, you may be afraid to speak up for yourself, to say no, or have a hard time putting your thoughts and emotions into words. When energy in this chakra is excessive, you may talk too much, interrupt others or have trouble listening.

In this ONLINE workshop, you’ll learn how to keep neck strong and healthy and how to bring balance to your fifth chakra so you can speak your truth.

$25 for this workshop OR $150 for all 7 chakra workshops (paying for 6 and getting one FREE!) All of the previous workshops have been recorded and will be available to you for a whole year!

Click here to register.

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Strong Back, Open Heart
5:00 PM17:00

Strong Back, Open Heart

When you experience emotional pain, it’s not surprising that we call that “heartache” because that’s exactly where you feel the physical pain associated with it. It causes contractions in the chest muscles in an effort to “protect” the heart. This tension in the chest causes a whole host of problems from shallow breathing, to a hunched upper back and shoulder pain.

The center of your chest is the home of your heart chakra. When there's a blockage at this chakra you struggle with anger, jealousy, grief, or self-hatred. When well balanced, you experience love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance.

In this ONLINE workshop, you’ll learn how a strong back facilitates an open chest and heart and how you can bring this fourth chakra into balance to find more compassion for yourself and others.

$25 for the workshop OR $150 for all 7 chakra workshops (paying for 6 and getting one FREE!)

Click here to register.

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1:30 PM13:30


  • Attend online or in person at Sanctuary Yoga. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

As the pandemic continues to wax and wane going on two years now, it can be a struggle sometimes to appreciate the things we have when there is so much that still hasn’t returned to “normal.” Being mindful of what you do have shifts your awareness from scarcity to abundance, from despair to joy. One way to make this shift is to consider those you have even less than you do, which is why I offer FREE YOGA SUNDAY after Thanksgiving each year as a fundraiser for those in our community who have less than we do.

This year, the fundraiser will continue to support Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes and in additional we’ll support Ministry with Community as well. (Click the links to learn more about each organization.) You can choose to donate to one or the other, or BOTH!

Register Now

Thank you in advance for your generosity. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

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Moving From Your Core
6:00 PM18:00

Moving From Your Core

Back pain, shallow, chest-breathing and jerky, awkward movements are all symptoms of a weak core. Your core is group of muscles that form the scaffolding for a centered pelvis and an upright spine. When these muscles are strong and flexible you can move easily and fluidly, without pain and deep abdominal breathing is effortless.

The center of your abdomen is also home to your third chakra, your power center. When out of balance, you may struggle with self-esteem and decision-making. Temper flare-ups are also common when energy isn’t flowing well in your third chakra.

In this ONLINE workshop, you’ll learn about your core muscles, how to strengthen them and improve flexibility as well as how to bring your third chakra into balance for greater personal power.

$25 for the workshop OR $150 for all 7 chakra workshops (paying for 6 and getting one FREE!)

Click here to register.

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Pelvis, SI Joints and Emotional Stability
6:00 PM18:00

Pelvis, SI Joints and Emotional Stability

If you’ve ever been told one hip is higher than the other or tilted back or forward, your SI joints are impacted by the misalignment. Your SI (sacroiliac) joints are located in your low back where your sacrum (part of the spine) joins your ilium, your hip bones. Misalignment in the SI joints is also a common source of low back pain. Hip opening poses and other similar yoga poses can aggravate the problem if not done with careful attention to proper alignment.

This pelvic area is also home to your second chakra. If you have an imbalance this chakra, you struggle with being overly emotional or the opposite, feeling numb or out of touch. There's also a correlation to sexual desire (or the lack thereof) with this chakra. Creativity and pleasure are both found at this energetic level.

In this ONLINE workshop, you’ll learn about your SI joints, how to keep them aligned and healthy and how to bring this second chakra into balance to find more emotional freedom.

$25 for the workshop OR $150 for all 7 chakra workshops (paying for 6 and getting one FREE!)

Click here to register.

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Being Rooted: a Pelvic Floor Workshop
6:00 PM18:00

Being Rooted: a Pelvic Floor Workshop

You’ve probably heard me, or another yoga teacher, tell you to engage your pelvic floor, but you may not be clear on how to do that or why it’s important. Just like the roots of a tree provide stability to a tree trunk so that it doesn’t topple over when its branches move in the wind, your pelvic floor supports your torso to help you remain stable as you move your limbs.

The pelvic floor is also the location of the first chakra or energy center in your body. This chakra represents your foundation and must be brought into balance before you can effectively work with the other chakras.

Imbalance in the first chakra feels like a survival crisis. You can’t get grounded because you are stuck in your head. Or you can become overly focused on external forms of security, like money and possessions, in a misguided attempt to get grounded.

In this ONLINE workshop, you’ll learn about the anatomy of the pelvic floor, how to engage it effectively to support your physical movement and how to bring this first of seven chakras into balance.

$25 for the workshop OR $150 for all 7 chakra workshops (paying for 6 and getting one FREE!)

Click here to register.

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Yoga & Vision Boards
1:00 PM13:00

Yoga & Vision Boards

Has 2020 has been a tough year for you? Are you ready to envision a better year for 2021? Join me New Year’s Day for a Vision Board workshop. We’ll clear out any negative energy from 2020 and open our hearts and minds to an inspired vision of what 2021 can be. Let’s imagine possibilities together!

$25 for the workshop or $20 if you also register for OM for Holidays on Sunday, December 27.

Register now because space is limited.

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OM for the Holidays
1:00 PM13:00

OM for the Holidays

Whether you love the holidays or hate them, they can be a busy and stressful time of year. With the pandemic, it may be even more stressful than ever. This year, why not give yourself the gift of rest and relaxation. OM for the Holidays will be a delicious, two-hour treat for yourself: a gentle warm up followed by easy restorative poses and an extra long savasana!

$25 or $20 when you also register for the 2021 Vision Boards workshop on New Year’s Day!

Register now because space is limited.

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11:00 AM11:00


Despite the difficult year we’ve been experiencing, there is still so much to be grateful for! Having yoga as a refuge from the stress and strain is one of our many blessings.

To share our gratitude with our community, I am again collecting donations for Kalamazoo Loaves and Fishes. With the pandemic causing so much unemployment, the need is greater than ever. Please give generously.

Click here to register.

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Yoga and Centering Prayer Retreat
to Mar 14

Yoga and Centering Prayer Retreat

  • St. Thomas More Student Parish (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Restoring Balance

This retreat falls just before the Spring Equinox, when the hours of daylight are balanced by equal hours of darkness. It is the perfect time of year to consider where our lives might be out of balance and explore ways to restore our balance through reflection, yoga, and centering prayer (also know as Christian Meditation).

The retreat starts Friday evening (6:30-9pm) with introductions, restorative yoga and an introduction to centering prayer. Saturday, we’ll have more yoga and centering prayer as well as reflection time and sharing in small groups. All yoga will be taught with options so that both advance practitioners and beginners can practice at an appropriate level. Experience with centering prayer is not required.

NOTE NEW LOCATION: The retreat will be held at St. Thomas More Student Parish near Western Michigan University (421 Monroe Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49006).

Registration fee for the retreat is $100 if paid before Feb 21 ($120 if after Feb. 21). Includes restorative yoga Friday night and lunch on Saturday. (Full and partial scholarships are available, please contact me for details.)

Register for the retreat and the follow-up Yoga and Meditation class and receive a 10% discount on the class.

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Chair Yoga - More than Just Exercise
to Oct 9

Chair Yoga - More than Just Exercise

  • Parkview Yoga and Massage (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A 4-week series starting Wednesday, September 18 and also meeting on 9/25, 10/2, and 10/9.

If you can breathe, you can do yoga. Seriously. Breath work, known as pranayama, is one of eight aspects of yoga. The physical poses, called asana, and meditation are other aspects. (It's actually redundant to say "yoga and meditation"!) In this class, we'll explore breath work and physical poses from the comfort of a chair; sometimes sitting; other times standing and using the chair for balance. Each class starts with 30 minutes of lecture about the various aspects of yoga followed by an hour long practice which includes: breath work (pranayama), physical postures (asana) and mediation. I take great pleasure in dispelling the myth that yoga is only for thin, young people who can bend their bodies into impossible pretzel-like shapes. Any BODY can do yoga. Come and see for yourself.

Cost is Members $40, Non-members $80. Click here to register at the OLLI site.

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9:00 AM09:00

Yoga and Centering Prayer Retreat

  • Transformations Spirituality Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Optional restorative yoga practice Friday night March 8;
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

As the Spring Equinox approaches in the Northern Hemisphere, this retreat is a chance to shake off the late winter doldrums and awaken your spirit.  The optional restorative yoga practice on Friday evening, provides an opportunity to disconnect from your busy life and bring your focus inward. Then on Saturday, through a series of active yoga poses, chanting and centering prayer, we’ll explore the roots that ground and center us and the flowing Spirit that enlivens us and calls us to new growth. 

All yoga sessions will be taught with options so that both advanced practitioners and beginners can practice at an appropriate level. Some yoga experience is required, but experience with Centering Prayer is not.

Registration for the full day Saturday is $75 when received by February 15; $85 thereafter.

Make it a retreat! Add $65 to have an additional evening session, stay overnight on Friday, and enjoy breakfast Saturday morning. Limited guest rooms are available on-site, so register early.

Registration and payment due at Transformations by February 22.  Click here to register at the Transformations site.

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Trauma Informed Mind Body Program - TIMBo
3:00 PM15:00

Trauma Informed Mind Body Program - TIMBo

TIMBo is an integrative mind-body program for healing trauma. Designed specifically for women, this 9-week program builds compassion and resilience in a peer group setting, to improve emotional regulation and self-compassion, and positively impact women's relationships with themselves and others. Click here for a short video about the program.

If you’d like to learn more about the program or if you have questions, please use the Contact form to request additional information.

The next program starts on Sunday, October 21. The cost is $225 if paid before October 5 and $250 after that. Click here to register.

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Relax and Renew Restorative Workshop
6:30 PM18:30

Relax and Renew Restorative Workshop

For all of you who have ever asked your yoga teacher, “Can we do an hour of savasana?” – this is the workshop for you! In this workshop, we’ll slowly explore a series of deeply relaxing poses that will leave you feeling well rested and nourished. Through the use of blankets, bolsters and other supportive props you can find complete relaxation. And even better, these poses are accessible to all ability levels! So come relax, restore and rejuvenate yourself.

Cost is $25 paid in advance, or $30 at the door. Use the Contact form to register. Advanced payment can be made at the studio, thru PayPal or mailed to:

mbt yoga at Parkview Yoga and Massage
3331 Greenleaf Blvd, Kalamazoo, MI 49008

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Fall Yoga and Centering Prayer Retreat
9:00 AM09:00

Fall Yoga and Centering Prayer Retreat

  • Transformations Spirituality Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Just as trees are stripped of their leaves in the fall, so too can we be stripped of all that is covering up our authentic selves. As the days grow colder and nights get longer, autumn is the perfect time for turning inward to identify and let go of that which no longer serves us.  Through Centering Prayer and a Yin style of yoga, we’ll move slowly and deeply into poses and into ourselves.

Registration for the Saturday session is $75 when received by September 21, $90 thereafter. Please register before September 28.

Click here to register at the Transformations website.

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Yoga at the Lake
6:30 PM18:30

Yoga at the Lake

On July 31, Yoga for Deskbound Bodies will be held on the bluffs overlooking Lake Michigan in beautiful South Haven! Class will start an hour later (6:30pm) to allow for travel time. Come for the yoga, stay for the sunset! Consider it a mini summer retreat.

Please call 269-217-5584 to register.

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