A 4-week series starting Wednesday, September 18 and also meeting on 9/25, 10/2, and 10/9.
If you can breathe, you can do yoga. Seriously. Breath work, known as pranayama, is one of eight aspects of yoga. The physical poses, called asana, and meditation are other aspects. (It's actually redundant to say "yoga and meditation"!) In this class, we'll explore breath work and physical poses from the comfort of a chair; sometimes sitting; other times standing and using the chair for balance. Each class starts with 30 minutes of lecture about the various aspects of yoga followed by an hour long practice which includes: breath work (pranayama), physical postures (asana) and mediation. I take great pleasure in dispelling the myth that yoga is only for thin, young people who can bend their bodies into impossible pretzel-like shapes. Any BODY can do yoga. Come and see for yourself.
Cost is Members $40, Non-members $80. Click here to register at the OLLI site.